Vantaa Triathlon 2025
Nordic Triathlon CUP
Saturday 7.6
Registration for the Nordic Series opens in 1.1.2025
Athlete’s Guide
There will be four starts in Nordic Cup Vantaa: two for male athletes and two for female athletes.
Open Start: Elite athletes and juniors born between 2006 and 2008 are eligible to participate. If athlete born in 2008 wants to take part in Open start, he/she has to inform LOC about that. Otherwise he/she will start in youth category.
Youth Start: Athletes born between 2008 and 2011 can take part in this category.
Nordic Cup competitors can also take part in Team relay, either in their national team or some other team.
Before the race:

Confirm your participation at the race office well in advance before your own starting time.
Attach the stickers from the envelope to your helmet and bike. Place the timing chip device you received on your left ankle.

Take your belongings to the transition area approximately 60-75 minutes before your own starting time.

Athletes are permitted to wear either their National Federation uniform or their club uniform.
The competition adheres to the World Triathlon rules concerning the use of wetsuits. Wetsuits are prohibited when the water temperature is 20 degrees Celsius or higher.
Every athlete must wear bib-number. If wetsuits are allowed, you can use number under the wetsuit.
Athletes´ briefing
Athletes´ briefing will be held online during the race week (date and time of briefing will be published later).
Bike check:

Your bike will undergo a safety check, which may include inspecting your brakes.
Remember to put your helmet on when you go to the bike inspection point.
Transition zone:

In Nordic cup race bike shoes, cycling glasses, helmet and other cycling accessories can be left on the bike for the first transition. Helmet strap must be open in the transition area during the swim leg.
All the other equipment (for example running shoes) to be used later in the race should be placed within a half meter from the box.

Prepare for the race:
Swim warm up is allowed on the left side of the lake.
Be at the waiting area near the starting area at least 10 minutes before the start.

During the Race:

In Nordic cup race the starts will be done as a diving start.

In T1 transition, place the race number on your back and fasten your helmet before touching the bike.
All swimming equipment must be in the box after the transition.
Please note that Nordic Cup race in Vantaa is a draft-legal race.
Mount line is located approximately 50 m after the transition zone and is marked in green colour.
Ride on the right side of the road and pass on the left; crossing over the centre line is strictly prohibited.
Dismount line is located approximately 50 m before the transition zone and is marked in red colour.
Push your bike to the transition area and place it on the rack. Then, remove your helmet and place it in the box before starting the running.
Once you start running, turn the race number to the front.
There will be water and sports drink available along the running course.
Penalty box:
Penalty box is located approximately 100 meters before the finish line. An athlete who commits a rule violation, is required to serve a penalty in the penalty box.
After the Race:

At the finish line you will receive a sports drink and a snack to help your recovery.
Collect your equipment at the transition area immediately after the race. You’ll need to show your race number tag for collection.

Team relay
Team relay is competed in teams of four athlete. At least 2nd and 4th leg athletes have to be female.

Swim 250 m + cycling 5 km (draft-legal) + run 1.5 km

Categories: Elite and Juniors
In juniors all competitors must be between 15 and 19 years old (born between 2006-2011). Younger competitors are not allowed.
Teams: Clubs/countries can name as many teams as they wish in each category. They must be named as 1-team, 2-team, 3-team, and so forth.
All categories start with a diving start from the platform at the same time, preliminarily. The number of teams may affect this, and there may be multiple starts.

Kilpailuissa noudatetaan peesivapaita sääntöjä, lue triathlonliiton kilpailusäännöt.
Märkäpuvun käyttö on sallittua Avoimessa sarjassa (yleinen, 23v, 19v, 17v ja 15v) ja joukkueviestissä mikäli veden lämpötila on alle 20 astetta ja Ag-sarjoissa mikäli veden lämpötila on alle 22 astetta. Märkäpuvun paksuus saa olla enintään 5 mm.
Mikäli märkäpukua ei käytetä, uinnissa on käytettävä asua, joka on Triathlonliiton sääntöjen mukaan hyväksytty.
Vain perinteiset käyräsarviset ohjaustangot ovat sallittuja, ja niiden päät pitää tulpata.
Lisätangot ovat kiellettyjä.
Kilpailunumeron saa Vantaa Triathlonissa pukea märkäpuvun alle.
Ulkopuolinen apu
Kaikki ulkopuolinen apu on kielletty.
Penaltybox sijaitsee juoksuosuuden lopussa, jossa kärsitään ylituomarin määräämät rangaistukset 10s pysähdyksellä penaltyboxissa. Penatlyboxissa on taulu, jossa lukee rangaistujen kilpailijoiden numerot, joiden pitää siellä kyseinen 10s aikarangaistus kärsiä.
Kilpailussa noudatetaan Suomen Triathlonliiton kilpailusääntöjä ellei tapahtuman kilpailuohjeessa ole toisin mainittu.
Senior: 2005 and older
Junior: Born in 2006-2008
Youth: Born in 2008-2011
Swim 375 m + cycling 10 km (draft-free) + run 2.5 km
Diving start.
Nordic Cup racers can also participate in the Team race.
Distances: Swim 250 m + cycling 5 km (draft-free) + run 1.5 km
Categories: Senior and Junior (all competitors must be 19 years old or younger, born between 2006 and 2011).
Stay conveniently, cozily and at a reasonable rate at Finlandia Hotel Tikkurila
Nordic Triathlon Cup
Race routes & maps
Routes coming soon...